Orbion Space Technologies
Orbion designs and engineers specialized thrusters that assist satellites in reaching their desired destination within our solar system.
THIS PROJECT WAS AWESOME! Myself and a small team worked with the great people at Orbion to redesign their website and create an experience that would make it easier for their sales team to qualify leads as well as make the site just fun to play with.
Our strategy was to utilize the appearance of choice through a “Choose your own adventure” approach. We consistently gave users choices to further explore the site until they got to a point where all that was left was to contact Orbion directly or download a preprepared slide presentation they could use to present to their stakeholders and decision makers. How they downloaded these preprepared was where we had the most fun. We designed a web interface that could calculate which thruster configuration was most efficient and correct for your mission by inputing the total time the truster would need to fire to reach the desired destination in space. This returns realtime calculations as the user adjusted the sliders as well as gave a to scale visual representation of the thruster system and the fuel tank necessary.
phew…. alright that is enough nerding out. Here is the result of our collaboration.